
and the honourably wounded

Cowards and Heroes?

With the rising numbers of “shell shock” cases on the Western Front, military authorities became worried about the effects of these on morale. They feared that, seeing their comrades report their symptoms of “shell shock” to the Medical Officers and being evacuated away from the front, others would feign nervous symptoms, or malinger, in order to avoid their duty.

Throughout the course of the great war
Canadian soldiers sentenced to death on grounds of desertion or cowardice
executed by firing squad
sentenced to penal labour. Men executed for cowardice were excluded from their regiment's Roll of Honour.
Their names did not appear in Canada's Books of Remembrance until 2001.

"Well, a fellow out on a working party fell to pieces and went insane. [...] They, of course, consider the possibility that he may be pulling one big 'swinging the lead' stunt; some darned queer things have been done here to get to Blighty or Canada"

Cowardice or Neurosis: Court Martials and Executions

Malingering may not have been as common as the authorities feared, but many neurosis patients were suspected of faking or exaggerating their condition, both by doctors and fellow soldiers. Serving troops tended to have varied opinions of "shell shocked" men, sometimes seeing them as cowards or sometimes being more understanding if they experienced the brutality of the conflict for themselves.

As soldiers deserted or refused to carry out their duties, however, military authorities were quick to deem them cowards, or malingerers if they claimed to be "shell shocked". While some were let off with a warning, court-martials were not uncommon and authorities generally did not consider "shell shock" an explanation for desertion.

Officer helping a battered Canadian to Dressing Station. September 1916
Department of National Defence
Library and Archives Canada
Item 3395791