Call for Article Submissions

The Canadian Centre for the Great War is seeking proposals from Canadian undergraduate or graduate students for its website blog. Since 2014, the Centre has been running the blog as a public history resource for Canadians and exploring topics related to the Canadians experience of the First World War. Proposals for the spring 2020 period may be on topics related to:  

  • The role of veterans in the post-war labour movement 
  • Pacifism  
  • Public health in Canada as related to the First World War


Students are asked to submit a 300 word abstract with an additional writing sample no later than 29 February 2020 to Please include your name, your faculty and your school in your submission.  

Based on the abstract, students will then be asked to submit an article for web publication in April, May or June 2020. Published students will receive their byline on the article. 


About the Centre

The Canadian Centre for the Great War promotes, and makes accessible, the social history of the First World War in Canada. Using its extensive object collection, online outreach, and travelling exhibition programs, the Centre encourages Canadians to engage with their Great War History in new, and interesting ways.