“Doughboy Jack and Doughnut Jill”: A Love Story

"Doughboy Jack & Doughnut Jill" Sheet Music Cover

In the year 1919, three Canadian artists of some prominence came together to write and record a comedic love song titled “Doughboy Jack and Doughnut Jill”. The song describes an American soldier and a Salvation Army volunteer falling in love at the Western Front. Like any good love song, it contains a chance encounter and […]

Travelling Exhibition 2018: Parallels

Women representing the Great War in Canada and Newfoundland Image: Mary Riter Hamilton. Sanctuary Wood, Flanders. 1920. Oil on Plywood, 59.100 x 45.700 cm. Mary Riter Hamilton Fonds, Library and Archives Canada. Acc. No. 1988-180-21.

A Propaganda Victory: The Lusitania Medallion

The market for commemorative collectables was a large one during World War One, with many manufacturers and artists producing patriotic items for mass market sale. Among these were commemorative medallions for events during the war. The French produced a wide range of souvenirs marking their victory at Verdun, and post-war, most of the Allies manufactured medallions […]

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